Diversity Of Endophytic Fungi From Leaves Of Centella Asiactica l. And Melia Azedarch l

Research Article
Shijila Rani A.S., Ambikapathy, V and Panneerselvam A
Centella asiatica., Melia azedarach., leaves, Czapek dextrose agar

Endophytic fungi are symbiotic association and the harbor of plants. It is living in inner tissues and without causing any apparent symptoms. In the present investigation, the endophytic fungi were isolated from leaves of Cenetlla asiatica and Melia azedarach. These two plants are highly medicinal properties. Totally eight different genera were isolated from both the leaves. Generally, Absidia repens, Alternaria sp., Aspergillus flavus, A.terreus, Chaetomium globosum, Curvularia sp., Fusarium solani, and Humicola sp. The maximum percentage of endophytic fungi and diversity indices were recorded in Melia azedarach leaves fragment when compared to Centella asiatica leaves.