Ecological Study Of Satyr Tragopan (Tragopan Satyra) In Sikkim-India: A Threatened Bird Species Of Eastern Himalaya

Research Article
Bijoy Chhetri, Hemant K. Badola and Sudip Barat
Satyr Tragopan, Habitat interaction, Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim Eastern Himalaya

Climate change is a rapid process in Himalaya, it has significantly affected the ecological pattern of the species, however, Himalaya is considered as data deficient region which generally lacks quantitative analysis needed to impact conservation and management policies for avian species. A few phenological changes are well documented, whereas, the changes in behaviour and ecological interactions remain opaque for many higher taxa. The present paper, the first time, we detailed out ecological interaction and community-level ramifications of the Satyr Tragopan (Tragopan Satyra, Phasianidae) in Sikkim Eastern Himalaya especially focusing upon the Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve (the core zone, Khangchendzonga National Park is recently inscribed by the UNESCO as world heritage site). Overall, the results during study period quantified the overall density of the Satyr Tragopan at 0.79±0.35/ and the encounter rate at 0.079±0.02 in the region, by using Distance software 0.7. The result also indicated that the species is confined in a narrow stretch of habitat range (2800 m- 3400 m asl) of the ecotone of cold temperate and subalpine regions of the Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve. It seemed that their habitat is under threat due to ecotone zone, where always community's succession occurs. Our analysis addresses the necessary aspects of conservation planning for long-term monitoring of the species and may guide future IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Assessments in Eastern Himalaya before plunging to extinction.