Effect Of 12 Weeks Zumba Based Training On Physical Fitness In Young Healthy Adults

Research Article
Ruturaj Shete., Yuvraj Singh., Anushka Shetty., Yashita Singh., Ameya Sonawane., Urjita Swami and Pratiksha Tripathi
Physical Fitness, Zumba, Zumba based workout, Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Aerobic Capacity.

Zumba is a Latin inspired, dance fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance moves creating a dynamic fitness program. The program integrates basic principles of aerobic, interval and resistance training to maximize caloric output, cardiovascular benefits and also total body toning. The purpose of our study is to find the effect of Zumba on fitness parameters like BMI, flexibility, strength, endurance and aerobic capacity.40 subjects(mean age=20.08 years)were recruited to participate in a 12 week Zumba based program, which met 1hour 2 times per week. Subjects were randomly assigned to experimental group (n=20) and control (n=20) group. A pre assessment was done prior to the sessions followed by post assessment using a fitness battery. Analysis was done using T-test which showed significant level of improvement (p<0.05) in all except of lower limb anaerobic strength seen in jump n reach test (p= 0.03). The study demonstrated that in active women age between 18-24 years exposed to 12 week Zumba based exercise conducted for 1 hour 2 days a week was enough to show statistically significant improvement in BMI, lower limb and trunk flexibility, upper limb, lower limb and trunk endurance , lower limb strength and aerobic capacity as compared to the control group. This study suggested that Zumba based exercise program is effective in improving flexibility, strength, endurance and aerobic capacity.