Introduction: The operator should immediately repair the furcation perforations with an endodontic material in order to minimize the bacterial contamination and the irritation of periodontal tissues because of the usage of endodontic irrigants. After repairing the furcal perforation, endodontic treatment should be performed with various irrigants including 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solutions to disinfect the root canal system. However, this procedure causes unavoidable contact of irrigants with the repair materials. Thus, the purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the effect of various endodontic irrigants on the push-out bond strength of Biodentine root repair material. Method: Electronic search of PubMed, Google Scholar, Institutional Library, CTRI, Ind Med, Googleand manual search using DPU college library resources. and E-mail to authors revealing information about push-out bond strength of biodentine in contact with chlorhexidine and sodium hypochlorite. All cross reference lists of the selected studies were screened for additional papers that could meet the eligibility criteria of the study. Results: Total of 5802 articles were searched out of which 10 articles were selected after reading title and abstract. As a second step, full text papers were obtained. However studies in which effect of Chlorhexidine and Sodium Hypochorite on the Push-out Bond Strength of Biodentine root repair material were selected. Finally a total of 10 articles were included out of which 7 articles were excluded on basis of insufficient data and 3 articles were selected for final synthesis. Conclusion: Push-out bond strength was more when Biodentine was in contact with sodium hypochlorite.