The use of plants in the treatment of carbuncle is common in traditional medicine at Purulia. Based on ethnopharmacological and taxonomic information, antibacterial activities of aqueous, ethanol, acetone, petroleum benzene and chloroform extracts of four medicinal plants were determined by in vitro agar diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus which causes for Carbuncle .The roots, bulb, aerial part, and leaves of four different plants, of different family were studied for antibacterial activity. Powdered materials of all the selected plant parts were extracted with the help of different solvents (water, ethanol, acetone, petroleum benzene and chloroform) using soxhlet apparatus and antibacterial activity was observed against S aureus. The significant results were obtained in U indica bulbs and C anthemoides roots. This study experimentally strengthan the concept of the tribal traditional knowledge to cure carbuncle.