Prolonged sustained computer based activities can increase compressive loadings in spine which may lead to Work related musculoskeletal disorders. Aim of study was to compare the effect of Muscle Energy Technique (MET) and Positional Release Therapy (PRT) on neck pain in computer users. Total 80 Patients referred to Physiotherapy department with trapezius spasm were screened for inclusion criteria among which 45 subjects were selected. Participants were randomly divided into three groups, PRT Group (n=15, mean age 30.53 ± 6.83 yrs.), MET Group (n=15, mean age 29.2 ±7.19 yrs.) and Control group which received conventional therapy (n=15, mean age 31.4 ±6.39 yrs.). Participants were evaluated pre and post intervention with Numerical pain rating scale (NPRS), Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Cervical ROM. Treatment was carried out for 2 weeks. The NPRS reduced from 7±1.60 to 1.53±0.83 with PRT, from 6.66 ±1.23 to 2±0.75 with MET and from 6.33 ±0.81 to 2.8 ±0.77 in Control group. NDI reduced from 15.6 ±6.70 to 4.8± 4.50 with PRT, from 16.6 ±5.24 to 8.13 ±4.01 with MET and from 14.86 ±5.27 to 7.73±3.97 in Control group. Cervical Rotation in degrees increased from 65.2±5.19 to 72.53 ±2.10 with PRT, from 64.86± 2.85 to71.4 ±2.53 with MET and from 63.46 ±3.50 to 68.8 ±2.98 in Control group. Between group comparisons using ANOVA test showed significant difference in NPRS and NDI (0.0001).The study concluded that Positional Release Therapy and Muscle energy technique are effective in reducing pain and improving of function in computer users with neck pain.