A review of the literature revealed a paucity of studies that have explicitly examined the effects of EMG biofeedback training in improving muscle strength and balance in the elderly population. This study focuses to evaluate the differential effects of two types of strengthening techniques, EMG biofeedback versus a training Conventional technique on the strength of the ankle musculature and balance in the elderly. A two group, pre-test post-test (mixed – group x repeated measures) experimental study design, where a total of 40 community dwelling elderly participants with age 60 years and above, were randomly assigned to a conventional (Theraband training) and experimental group (EMG Biofeedback + Theraband). The patients were treated for 30 minutes per day thrice a week, for 6 weeks. They were assessed on Functional Reach Test, Berg Balance Scale, and Strength using strain gauge, pre and post intervention. There is a significant improvement in strength of the ankle musculature following exercises. However, balance as measured by the berg balance scale was significantly better following EMG biofeedback training compared to conventional exercise training. EMG Biofeedback training in addition to strengthening exercises has significant beneficial effects on balance of community living elderly.