Background: The debate over the optimum ways to reform organ donation and transplantation legislation has been underscored by individual countries' successes and failures. The availability of potential donors, transplantation infrastructure (capacity, coordination, and training), healthcare expenditures, and public awareness/attitudes have also been identified as contributing factors. Thus, legislative reform alone is not sufficient to optimally change donation rates. So this study was undertaken for promotion of organ donation through teaching programme to improve the knowledge and attitude of college students. Aim: To assess the effect of structured teaching programme regarding organ donation on knowledge and attitude among 1st year B.Sc Nursing students. Methods and Material: Pre experimental design was adopted for this study. 60 samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by using self structured questionnaire and three point likert scale developed by the researcher. The tool was validated by experts and the reliability was established through the test-retest method. The pilot study was conducted on 6 subjects of Rajiv Gandhi College of Nursing, Jammu. The Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation was computed and the reliability was found to be 0.80 for knowledge and 0.90 for attitude. The tool was administered for pre test to 60 1st year B.Sc Nursing students of BEE ENN College of Nursing, Jammu. Teaching programme was administered and after a gap of one week, retest was given. The collected data was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The findings showed that the pre-test knowledge i.e, 31(51.76%) had inadequate knowledge and 29 (48.3%) had moderately adequate knowledge whereas in post-test, 51(85%) had adequate knowledge and 9 (15%) had moderately adequate knowledge. And the attitude, in pre-test 25 (41.7%) had neutral and 35 (58.3%) had negative attitude. The post-test attitude revealed that all subjects i.e, 60 (100%) had positive attitude. Paired‘t’ test was applied to assess the effect of teaching programme on attitude of subjects. The obtained‘t’ value was found to be highly significant at the level of p < 0.05. It was inferred that the 1st year B.Sc Nursing students exposed to the planned teaching program had significant increase in post-test knowledge and attitude. There was no significant association between the post test level of knowledge and attitude of 1st year B.Sc Nursing students regarding organ donation with the selected demographic variables. The investigator feels that, organ donation is a social issue element. So the organ donation knowledge is not constrained with any of the demographic variables like age, religion, marital status and previous exposure about organ donation information. Conclusion: Better knowledge may ultimately translate into the act of donation. Effective measures should be taken to educate people with relevant information with the involvement of media, doctors and religious scholars.