The Sudarshan Kriya is a unique cyclical controlled yogic breathing process developed from ancient Indian science of Yoga. It has potential to integrate body and mind. It is known to eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed. This study evaluated the effects of sudarshan Kriya on autonomic sympathetic variable in hypertensive subjects. In present study two groups each having 35 subjects one is hypertensive and one is normotensive were selected between age 25-75 years of either sex were studied in the morning hours. The patients of hypertension were randomly selected reporting to department of Medicine / Cardiology PBM Hospital, Bikaner. Study group were asked to do Sudarshan Kriya Yoga for three months after proper training under the supervision of expert at The Art of Living Centre Rani Bazar, Bikaner. This study was conducted in the department of physiology Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner. Sympathetic non invasive autonomic function test were performed that is hand grip test and postural change test including resting blood pressure. The results were statistically analysed by applying paired “t” test. After the twelve weeks of sudarshan kriya sympathetic function test like orthostatic variation of blood pressure and hand grip test were statistically significantly lower (p<0.05). Reduction was more profound in study group than in control group.