Effect Of Temperature On The Production Of Bioflocs

Research Article
Sharma, A., Singh, R., Sangotra, R., Bandhana and Sharma, K. K
Cyprinus carpio, bioflocs, molasses, physico-chemical parameters

To provide adequate food for future generations, expansion and intensification of aquaculture production is required without putting larger claims on dwindling land and water resources. However, the aquaculture industry has come under scrutiny for contributing to environmental degradation. Biofloc technology is an emerging environment friendly system that degrades organic waste by microorganisms and produces microbial flocs which could be used as feed for the cultured organisms. The present work was an attempt to assess the influence of temperature on the production of bioflocs. During the experiment, bioflocs were cultured under different environmental conditions viz. indoor and outdoor. The experimental units were monitored for various physicochemical parameters along with determination of biofloc volume. It was observed that water temperature plays a key role in the formation of bioflocs. At temperature between 20-25˚C stable bioflocs were formed but as the water temperature increases bioflocs lose their floatability and sink to the bottom in the form of sludge.