Effect Of Water Temperature On Egg Development Of Common Carp (Cyprinuscarpio)

Research Article
Aanand, S and Rajeswari, C
Commmon Carp, Chinese hatchery, Temperature, Egg development

This experiment on effect of water temperature on development of common carp egg, was conclueter with common carp egg collected and incubated in three places Viz., Chinese hatchery, indoor plastic trough and outdoor plastic trough. The outdoor plastic trough was covered by a polythene sheet to keep the water warmer during day as well as at night. The holes were made in the polythene sheet to ensure sufficient aeration. The temperatures were recorded in the Chinese hatchery, indoor trough and outdoor trough were 23-25°C, 22-23°C and 26-29°C respectively. It could be observed that the eggs incubated in the outdoor trough hatched 3h earlier when compared to the eggs that are incubated in the Chinese hatchery and indoor plastic trough. This quicker hatching can be attributed to higher temperatures observed in the outdoor trough covered with polythene sheet.