Background: Asthma is the most frequent chronic respiratory condition worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing. Since asthma cannot be cured, there are alternative therapies, namely Buteyko Breathing Technique.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of Buteyko Breathing Technique on respiratory physiological parameters.
Materials and methods: A quantitative approach with Quasi-experimental (pre-test post-test control group) design was adopted for the study. Modified observational tool was developed to assess the respiratory physiological parameters. Non probability purposive sampling technique was adopted to select 60 samples for the study, 30 samples each for the experimental and control groups.
Results: The study showed that Buteyko Breathing Technique was effective in improving the respiratory physiological parameters among patients with bronchial asthma and there is significant difference between experimental pre-test and post-test(t29=16.6,p<0.05)and there is significant difference between experimental and control group(t58= 17.4,p<0.05). Demographic variable age was found to have significant association (p<0.05) with respiratory physiological parameters.
Conclusion: Buteyko Breathing Technique was found to be significantly effective in improving the respiratory physiological parameters among patients with bronchial asthma.