Effectiveness Of Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) To The Development Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes)

Research Article
Dewi Andriany., Syaiful Bahri and Lila Bismala
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

The Company always runs its business and deals with the community, both the surrounding community and the wider community, both the community in a general sense and the business community, including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communities (including MSMEs) are the stakeholders of the company. SMEs as stakeholders of large-scale companies still need to be empowered. Large-scale companies, including companies that work in the field of cigarettes have a social responsibility to participate in empowering SMEs. Therefore, in this research sought solutions or answers about CSR implementation for large-scale cigarette companies in the empowerment of SMEs, implementation constraints UMKM empowerment through CSR program, and model of empowering UMKM right and fair through CSR program. This research uses empirical juridical approach method; the data used are primary and secondary data. Implementation of CSR programs for companies in the empowerment of UMKM has not been done. Implementation of CSR programs is still limited to the empowerment of surrounding communities in the social and environmental fields. Obstacles implementation CSR programs in the empowerment of SMEs consist of constraints that are internal and external. The right model of MSME empowerment for the company through CSR program is with partnership program that is by providing capital assistance with low interest rate and given directly by the company without the mediation of government or non-governmental organization (NGO).