The major area concern is the health of the elderly with multiple medical and psychological problems in the elderly. Falls are the major problem in the elderly. The study was conducted to evaluate effectiveness of low intensity aerobic exercise on balance among elderly persons who were 60 years in age and above from selected old age homes at Kolhapur. Non- probability purposive sampling method was used to collect 60 samples (30 experimental and 30 control groups). The study followed a quantitative evaluative survey approach with quasi experimental, Non- equivalent control group, pre-test post test design. The data was collected by using socio demographic data and bergs balance scale administered to both the groups to assess the balance score. After the pre assessment the experimental group underwent low intensity aerobic exercise program, 20 minutes per day for a period of 4 weeks. Post assessment was conducted after the 28th day on both the groups by using bergs balance scale. After Pre assessment there was all elderly persons from both the groups belong to High fall risk. The result showed that, obtained mean difference between pre-assessment and post assessment balance score in experimental group was 6.07 and the paired ‘t’ calculated value (tcal: 16.37) is greater than the tabulated value (ttab: 2.09) So, it was found that low intensity aerobic exercise was effective in improving balance among elderly persons; and study also showed that, The obtained mean difference between post assessment balance scores in experimental and control groups was 6.1. Hence this indicates that, the unpaired ‘t’ calculated value (tcal: 5.47) is greater than the tabulated value (ttab: 2.00). So, the mean post assessment balance score of subjects in experimental group was greater than the mean post assessment balance scores of subjects in control group. The study revealed that the low intensity aerobic exercise was proved to be very effective intervention strategy for improving the balance in elderly persons.