Effectiveness Of Moringa Leaves Extract On Hemoglobin Level Among Adolescent Girls With Anemia In Selected Schools At Mangalore

Research Article
Jeevitha A and Sujatha R
Mild Anemia, Moringa leaves extract, Hemoglobin level.

A pre experimental one group pre-test post test, evaluatory research approach is adopted in the present study. 51 adolescent girls were selected based on the inclusion criteria by using non probability, purposive sampling technique. After pretest hemoglobin Moringa leaves extract was administered for 21 days, and on 22 day post test hemoglobin was assessed by using shali’s method. Majority 19(37.3%) of adolescent girls belongs to a family income of less than Rs.5000. The mean pre-test score (10.82) is less than the mean post-test score (12.26). The t cal(13.5) value is higher than the t tab(2) value and p value less than 0.05 level of significance.