Introduction: The Quality of life is relatively recent in academic literature. It did not appear in the international encyclopedia of social sciences until 1968, and for what people are actually craving at present though they are well accommodated with quantified requirements. Objective: To assess effectiveness of selected nursing interventions on Quality of life among weavers. Methodology: A Pre experimental one group pre test and post test design study was conducted at Mangalagiri village, Andhra Pradesh. The weavers who satisfied the inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling technique. Selected nursing interventions comprising of psycho education which includes protection to eyes, clean home environment, balanced diet, sleep, and problems related to alcohol and smoking and supporting relations. Demonstration on range of motion exercises, breathing exercises, guided imagery and positive thinking. Pamphlet includes all the topics covered in psycho education as reinforcement. The assessment was done by using modified WHOQOL – BREF scale. Results: The findings of the study revealed that the pretest mean quality of life score was 16.25 with the SD of 5.70 and the post test mean score was 31.66 with the SD of 5.72. The calculated‘t’ value, t = 24.9 highly significant at p<0.001 level. Conclusion: The study findings revealed, after the selected nursing interventions there was a moderately significant improvement in Quality of life among weavers .Thus selected nursing interventions were effective in improving Quality of life of the weavers.