3% of the World’s population is estimated to have intellectual disability. In India, more than 20 million children are suffering with intellectual disability. So a study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of sensory stimulation on cognitive ability among children with moderate intellectual disability. A quasi-experimental design was used. The samples were selected using non-probability purposive sampling method. The data was collected from 40 samplesage group 05 to 15 years, using the tool consisted of: demographic data, observation checklist for cognitive ability.Researcher applied paired t-test for comparison of cognitive ability score before and after sensory stimulation in experimental group. Average cognitive ability score before sensory stimulation was 8.5 which increased to 19.4 after sensory stimulation. Sensory stimulation was found to be significantly effective in improving the cognitive ability score of the children with moderate intellectual disability (t19 = 21.1, p< 0.05). Researcher also applied two sample t-tests for comparison of change in cognitive ability score in experimental and control group. Here also Sensory stimulation was found to be significantly effective in improving the cognitive ability score of the children with moderate intellectual disability (t38 = 19.3, p< 0.05).