Modern medicine acts to treat symptoms along with the presenting illness which reduces patients discomfort and fastens the process of healing. But these drugs are associated with significant side effects which many patients are unaware of. Hence a study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of teaching program on the same. Methods: A quantitative research approach with pre-experimental design was used. The samples included were chronically ill patients admitted in medical wards. A pre-test was conducted to assess the knowledge on Pharmacovigilance and then structured teaching program was given to the patients. The main outcomes measured were improvement in knowledge level using two post tests one immediately after the teaching and the second one on the fifth day after teaching program. Results: There was a significance association of knowledge with age of the patients admitted in JIPMER during pre test. There is improvement in the mean knowledge score from (11.77± 2.566) in the pretest to (24.57 ± 2.455) in the post test. There was also improvement in the mean knowledge score from (11.77± 2.566) in the pretest to (24.96 ± 1.989) in the second post test. The analysis revealed a statistically significant increase in the knowledge score between the pretest, first and second post test knowledge among the patients. Conclusions: The study concluded that the structured teaching program is effective in improving the knowledge level of patients regarding pharmacovigilance.