Alcoholism is known as family disease. Alcohol consumption can have adverse social and economical effects on the individual drinker, the drinker’s immediate environment and society holistically. Alcohol plays a role in number of domestic violence incidents, violence on the intimate partner and others. Children of alcoholics suffer from loneliness, feeling of helpless, low self-esteem and chronic despondence. World Health Organisation estimates that there are about 2 billion people worldwide who consume alcohol and 76.3 million with diagnosable alcohol use disorders. Alcohol use causes 1.8 million deaths and a total loss of 58.3 million incapacitation adjusted life years. Alcoholism is responsible for more family problems than any other single cause. Recognizing the intricacy of the disease, a holistic approach is advocated that sanctions for individualization of treatment predicted upon the assessed needs of the individual and an appreciation of their uniqueness and individual worldwide. The objectives of the study were:-1) To assess the knowledge of alcoholic patients regarding group therapy for promotion of psychological well being using a structured questionnaire. 2) To develop and administer a structured teaching program regarding group therapy for promotion of psychological well being. The research design selected for the study was pre experimental design (Q1 x Q2) Conducting pre test immediately after giving self instructional module and then conducting post test for the same group on 8th day. The results related to effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding group therapy for promotion of psychological well being had shown that there was an increase in the mean overall knowledge score of 83.8% in post test with paired ‘t’ test value of 32.94 which was found to be significant at 0.005 level.
Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Program Regrading Group Therapy For Promotion Of Psychological Wellbeing Among Alcoholic Patients In De-Addiction Centre
Research Article
alcoholism, group therapy, de-addiction centre, knowledge