Formaldehyde is extensively used in department of Anatomy for preservation of biological specimens as well as cadavers. Formaldehyde being a noxious chemical may cause respiratory health problems among first year medical students. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of acute exposure of formalin on the pulmonary function of first year M.B.B.S. students during dissection hours. Materials and Methods: The present cross sectional study was conducted on total 50 healthy first year medical students in age group of 18-20 years. The lung function tests assessed were FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC% using computerized Spiro-excel PC based Spirometer., All these tests were done before start of anatomy dissection (pre-exposure) and within 02hrs after dissection (post-exposure). All these parameters helped in evaluating pulmonary functions among medical students exposed to formaldehyde for two hours during their anatomy dissection. The data was entered in the MS Excel spreadsheet. Appropriate statistical analysis was done applying Paired students‘t’ test and Pre and post exposure changes in PFT parameters were compared. Result: In the present study acute exposure to formalin resulted in significant decrease in FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC% following acute exposure. Conclusion: The study concluded that formalin vapors can affect the pulmonary function parameters. The students exposed to formalin vapors presented with obstructive changes in form of bronchoconstriction at some extent due to acute exposure. (P < 0.001).