Background: Due to increasing incidence of human immunodeficiency virus infections, the incidence of tuberculosis is increasing. Haematogenous spread of tubercle bacilli results in miliary tuberculosis. Endotoxins and cytokines thus released in blood. These are part of innate immunity and may further stimulate synthesis and secretion of other mediators of innate immunity like nitric oxide (NOº) indifferent cells including platelets. Hence present study was carried out to know the effects of plasma NOº and cellular nitrotyrosine on mitochondrial proteins, total and available thiols and mitochondrial complex activities in tuberculosis. Method: The platelets were separated from whole blood. Mitochondria were isolated from 70 experimental and 40 control samples and mitochondrial lysate was used to study above parameters Results: In present study plasma NOx and Nitrotyrosine levels and consequently protein carbonyl levels were increased significantly and mitochondrial thiols and complex activities were decreased significantly (P<0.001) in miliary tuberculosis. However no significant changes were observed in tuberculosis. Conclusion: Thus to conclude the present study showed increased nitric oxide synthesis and nitrotyrosine which oxidised mitochondrial proteins forming protein carbonyl. There was also decrease in mitochondrial thiols and mitochondrial complex activities. These effects were highly significant in military tuberculosis and were not significant in tuberculosis without military appearance.