Purpose: This study was conducted in order to examine the effects of pregnancy on female sexuality. Material and Method: The type of study is cross sectional study model. Study sample is 106 pregnant women who applied to Kafkas University, Faculty of Medicine, Application and Study Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Polyclinic and who complied with the criteria for participation and volunteered to participate in the study. Data was collected between May and October, 2015. In collecting of data, "Personal Information Form" and "Index Of Female Sexual Function (IFSF)” was used. In evaluating of data, the average, percentage, chi-square, and in comparing the groups the analysis of variance was used for continuous variables. Findings: The average age of pregnant women, who were taken under the study was calculated as 27.52 ± 5.94 (17-44 years old), the average number of pregnancy weeksas20.55±1.07 and the average number of pregnancies as 2.24 ± 1.24. It was determined that 34% of pregnant women were in the first, 33% in the second and 33% in third trimester. 89.4% of pregnant women stated that the frequency of sexual intercourse decreased during pregnancy. In the statistical analysis made, it was found that there was not any change in the frequency of sexual intercourse according to trimesters of pregnancy (p> 0.05). The proportion of pregnant women who have the idea that sexual intercourse during pregnancy harms the baby was 63.5%, and the proportion of pregnant women who made change in sexual intercourse during pregnancy with this idea was 48.6%. In the study, average IFSF points of pregnant women was found as19.86±9.49 and in the statistical analysis made it was found that IFSF scores were not affected by pregnancy week and pregnant women's working status, education level, family income, family structure, and whether pregnancy was planned or not (p> 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, it was found that pregnancy cause a decrease in sexual desire, there was not any difference in sexual function between trimesters, pregnant women’s sexual function was not affected by obstetric and sociodemographic factors.