Efficacy Of A Fluoro-Calcium Phosphosilicate Dentrifice (Elsenz®) As Compared To A Potassium Nitrate Dentrifice In The Treatment Of Dentinal Hypersensitivity: A Randomized Controlled Study

Research Article
Dr.Vaibhavi Bhatt, Dr.Asha Prabhu, Dr.Rahul Mehta, Dr.Meenu Pillai, Dr.Sushmita Bhakk and, Dr.Sweety Agarwal
Dentinal hypersensitivity, Potassium nitrate, Fluoro-Calcium Phosphosilicate.

Aim: To compare and evaluate the efficacy of two desensitizing dentifrices (Elsenz and potassium nitrate), in presence of a control dentrifice (non-desensitizing) in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. Material and

Methods: 58 patients were evaluated using tactile methods as well as cold air intensity score, along with subjective perception of pain at baseline and at 2weeks and 8weeks. 3 Groups were formed to assess and compare the effectiveness of Elsenz, potassium nitrate, and a control dentrifice respectively.

Results: There was a general decrease in dentinal hypersensitivity levels in both test groups as compared to the control group over the 8-week study period.

Conclusion: This study shows that the novel agent: fluoro-calcium phosphosilicate dentrifice (Elsenz) was successful in reduction of dentin hypersensitivity.