The laboratory experiments have been conducted to study the efficacy of plant ans animal origin bioproducts against Rhyzopertha dominica (Fab.) on stored wheat by undertaking various parameters viz. percent adult mortality, percent adult emergence, percent seed damage, per cent weight loss , per cent germination, vigour index and significance of viability after six months of storage. Among different bio products evaluated, neem leaf powder, jatropha seed powder, mustard oil, cow dung powder and cow dung ash powder and cow urine @ 2% were found superior with less adult emergence, seed damage and weight loss with higher adult mortality, seed germination, vigour index and significance of viability in comparison to other treatments and untreated control. It has been clearly observed that only mustard oil reduced the seed germination with adverse effect on quality parameters after six months of storage. The studies clearly demonstrated that eco friendly indigenous bio products could be used to manage the storage insect pests in wheat.