Hand hygiene can be observed by washing hands with soap and water or using liquid hand washes after doing every activity which in turn leads to unhygienic hands. Various studies have divulge that liquid soaps consist of active antimicrobial ingredients condemn more bacteria as contrast to plain soap. Liquid based hand washes are proved to be more effective than alcohol-based hand rubs mainly for reducing H1N1 influenza A virus and Clostridium diffcilespores from hands. The objective of the present study was to scrutinize the efficiency of medicated, ayurvedic and fragrant handwashes on microbial flora of hands and to find out which among the three gives the best result. There was no remarkable difference in log reduction of different handwashes. Medicated handwash is more effective than fragrant and ayurvedic handwash. With the pace of time, medicated handwash showed considerable less decrease in efficiency than ayurvedic and fragrant handwash. The present study provides practical information that may be beneficial in all fields of medical, hospitals, social.