Electrically conducting polymers are novel class of synthetic metals that combine the chemical and mechanical properties of polymers with the electronic properties of metals and semi-conductors. Polyaniline (PANI) is one of the most intensively studied conducting polymers during the last decade. It is highly conducting and easy to synthesize both chemically as well as electrochemically. The chemical method has a great importance since it is very feasible route for the mass production of PANI. The present investigation is dedicated for the synthesis, electrochemical characterization and application of fly ash doped PANI for the anti-corrosive property. The electrochemical behavior study by cyclic voltammetry (CV) revealed the red-ox behavior of PANI composite. The study of mild steel corrosion phenomenon has become important particularly in acid media. The inhibitive properties of PANI-FA 45% composite on the corrosion of mild steel strip in 0.1M HCl were investigated using electrochemical techniques like polarization method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). A good barrier allows very little flow of current thereby showing high resistance impedance measurements for the prepared composite.