Engine Performance And Emission Analysis Using Oxidatively Stabilized Cotton Seed Oil Blended With Methanol

Research Article
Hiregoudar Yerrannagoudar., Manjunatha K and Sathya Narayana M
Diesel, Performance, Emissions, Methanol, Cotton seed oil.

All over the world the use of petroleum products has been increased tremendously. As we know that the diesel vehicle population is growing at an alarming rate. The emission caused by these fossils combustion in IC engines has been led to air pollution, greenhouse effect and also ozone layer thinning. The search for reduction of exhaust emissions from the exhaust gases of IC engines has been underway for the past three decades.The exhaust emissions will irritate skin, eyes, nose, and throat and also leads to bronchitis asthma with continuous expose with this atmosphere in the long run. It is a serious concern with the pollution point of view. In view of existing fissile fuel deposit may come another 40 years, Costs of Fissile Fuels are day by day increasing, Emissions caused by these fissile fuels on Environment, As the population increase the vehicle population also increases, the existing deposits may not come even 40 years, Developing Countries like India depends on its fissile fuel requirement on foreign countries for which spars huge forging currency in purchasing the crude oil, thus the inflation rate increases, rupees valve decreases hence the country economy and development decrease. The present investigation evaluates Cotton seed oil blended with Methanol in Diesel Engine. A Twin cylinder Diesel Engine adapted to study the Brake thermal efficiency, Brake specific energy consumption, and emissions in Low Cetane fuels. In this study, the diesel engine was tested using Diesel and Low Cetane Fuels. From this study the emissions like HC and CO has been reduced and Low Cetane Fuels are substitute to diesel fuel.