Backgrounds: Today, traffic accidents are one of the main causes of deaths in the world, especially in developing countries. Traffic accidents are a major problem for the health systems in the world. Our country, Iran, is among the areas with high rates of morbidity and mortality from road accidents. Objectives: To determine the epidemiologic variations of intracranial hemorrhage in traffic accidents victims of Shohadaye Haftome-Tir Hospital in 2013 Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive analytic study, the sampling was done randomly; 300 cases were selected randomly (cluster sampling) each season and 100 cases each month. Data collection was accomplished using a checklist and based on their medical records and paraclinic results (CT scan). Information registered included age, sex, season, time and location of the incident, transport duration, hemorrhage type, and etc. Data was analyzed by SPSS 18. Results: A total of 1200 cases were investigated; 323 cases had intracranial hemorrhage, among whom epidural hemorrhage was the most common (117 cases) and intraventricular hemorrhage was the least common (18 cases). Conclusion: Due to advances in technology and modernism, as well as the increasing need for equipment and vehicles for fast and immediate transfer, traffic accidents are steadily increasing. Hence the need for careful planning for the prevention of traffic accidents and educating culture of traffic laws and safety devices can have a major role in reducing traffic accidents.