Epidemiological Status Of Tuberculosis In West Uttar Pradesh

Research Article
Anurag Tewari., Ajab Singh Choudhary and A. K. Upadhyay
Tuberculosis, Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) media, petroff’s method

Status of TB was elucidated through examination of patients attending OPD/IPD and DOTs center at Santosh Medical College / Hospital, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh for the presence of tuberculosis infection. The numbers of female patients were 45 (30%) and male patients were 105 (70%). Sixteen (10.3 %) smears were positive for acid fast bacilli (AFB). All the 150 samples were decontaminated by modified petroff’s method and cultured on Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) media. Our results showed that the entire 16 (10.3%) sample which were smearing positive were also culture positive. Of the 134 samples which were smear negative 5(3.3%), found to be culture positive. All the 21 isolated strains were confirmed by standard biochemical tests. On the basis of biochemical reactions, 07 were humans’ type mycobacterium.