Essentiality 'In The Doctor-Patient Relationship

Research Article
Graziano Giorgio Maria Paolo., Giovanni Castelli., Antonino Graziano and Antonio Di Cataldo

The treatment of disease, the relief of suffering and the extension of basic care, according to the principle of fairness and justice, are the basic medical art character the presence of the human being stands as question of being and therefore being the person asks as an act of justice Recognition, warmth, hospitality and the defense of its integrity. The transcendent, spiritual dimension of the person has its ultimate roots in the truth of man's creation, intelligent finite being, who lives in a relationship with God in whose image and likeness. Reflect on the themes of health and disease, suffering and hope of the human person, it means researching the sense that these experiences have in the personal project of a person's life There are psychological reasons why we attach great importance to the truth of an assertion: it is not at all indifferent to whether it is true or not; It changes everything if you find that is not true, that those who reported he lied Because a relationship is really shared it is necessary that the doctor is willing to put in common with the patient not only the choices, but also the conditions of doubt and ignorance always keeping in mind that some people put the face of uncertainty are encouraged to making decisions, while others become anxious and unable to choose.