The arrival of Internet of Things (IoT) and the growing use of application-based processors, sanctum infrastructure needs to be tested on some generally-used IoT hardware architectures. Applications in today’s world areinspiring towards IoT concepts as this makes them quick, capable, compatible and prospective-proof. However, this leads to a higher sanctum risk as IoT devices develop in an ecosystem of co-existence and interconnection. As a result of these sanctum risks, it is of utmost importance to test the actual cryptographic ciphers on such devices and determine if they are viable in terms of swiftness of execution time and memory consumption capability. It is also important to determine if there is a requirement to develop new lightweight cryptographic ciphers for these devices. This paper hopes to accomplish the above- mentioned objective by testing different encryption-decryption techniques on distinct IoT based devices and creating a comparison of execution speed between these devices for a variation of distinct data sizes.