Rubia cordifolia is commonly known as Manjistha. Roots and stems are active part of plant. Plant has many pharmacological actions like blood purifier activity, anticancer, astringent, antidysentric, antiseptic, deobstruent properties and antirheumatic, hepatoprotective. Hepatoprotective action is mainly shown by Rubiadin. Plant contains various chemical constituents like Anthraquinones, Iridoids, Hexapeptides, Rubiprasins, Quinones and Triterpenoids. In the presence study phytochemicals like Phenols, Flavonoids, Saponins, Tannins, Glycosides and Steroids are detected. Further Quantitative analysis revealed a dose-dependent increase in concentration of phenols and flavonoids with increase in concentration of plant extract. It was found that antioxidant and antiirritant properties exhibited by the solvent extract of the plant under study.