Ranipura, Vishramganj and Aaramganj are situated in Runj forest of Panna district, Madhya Pradesh. It is natural forest harboring many wild verities of plant species which have immense medicinal properties. Prompt with wealth of plants used as ethno medicine by local healers. More importance to Fabaceae, because of its rich medicinal properties and therefore, we collected and identified them. The plants are Abrus precatorius, Acacia arabica, Acacia catechu, Acacia leucophloea, Albizia procera, Bauhenia variegate, Bauhinia vahlii, Bauhinia racemosa, Butea monosperma, Cassia aungustifolia, Cassia tora, Crotolaria juncea, Dalbergia latifolia, Dalbergia sissoo, Glycine max, Indigofera prostrate, Mimosa pudica, Phaseolus vulgaris, Tephrosia puppurea and Trigonella foenumgraecum. During the study we mainly focused on documentation of traditional knowledge of local peoples about uses of native medicinal fabaceous plants as ethno-medicines. The methods followed for documentation of indigenous knowledge was based on questionnaire regular interviews and interaction with local communities. Outcome of the study suggest that local healers use these plants for various ailment such as Cough, dysentery, pyretic, snake bites, bronchitis, vomiting, ulcers, diarrhea, fevers, skin diseases, problems of pregnancy, stomach-ache etc.