Allium sativum(AS) is a native plant in Iran, which the plant has been used as an antioxidant, antiparasitic, antifungal, antiviral, and antiflammatory agent in Iran. Based on knowledge of authors, in comparison to many other pharmaceutical-industrial plants, there is a very little data about antibacterial activities of AS essential oil collected from Kermanshah province, west of Iran. Hence, the aim of the current study was evaluation of antibacterial effects of the essential oil on common pathogen (Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) (PTCC No. 1707)) in west of Iran (In Kermanshah).The antibacterial activities of AS essential oil were evaluated by macro-dilution method in MuellerHinton broth medium, agar disk and agar well diffusion methods. The results revealed that by increasing the concentration of the essential oil, the inhibition zone augmented. Also, the essential oil of AS have excluded the growth of PA and destroyed it. The results defined that in tested bacterium, there was a considerable discrepancy in terms of sensitivity to AS essential oil. Our finding indicate the fact that the essential oil of AS can be useful as medicinal or preservatives composition. Additional in vivo studies and clinical trials would be needed to justify