Aim: To study the effect of non surgical periodontal therapy that improve the hemoglobin and Red blood cell count in chronic generalized periodontitis patients and to find out whether chronic periodontitis could lead to anemia.
Settings and Design: prospective clinical study
Material and Methods: After informed consent, one hundred male patients with chronic generalized periodontitis selected for the study. Clinical parameters such as Plaque index, gingival index, Probing depth and Clinical attachment level were recorded using William's periodontal probe on full mouth basis. Serum ferritin level was estimated before non surgical periodontal therapy. The clinical parameters were recorded again at three months after non surgical therapy. Haematological parameters such as Red blood cell count, Haemoglobin concentration, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and peripheral smear were estimated before and after non surgical periodontal therapy.
Statistical analysis used: The data was statistically analyzed using paired t test and Pearson correlation coefficient test.
Results: Clinical parameters such as Plaque index, Gingival index, Probing depth and Clinical attachment level showed positive correlation with Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and negative correlation with Red blood cell count and Hemoglobin concentration.
Conclusions: This study concludes that red blood cell count and haemoglobin concentration significantly improved and erythrocyte sedimentation rate significantly decreased after non surgical periodontal therapy in chronic generalized periodontitis patients