Two season field trials were laid out to study the bioefficacy of Met 52 EC (Metarzhizium anisopliae) against brown planthopper in rice. Weekly and fortnight spraying of Met 52 EC@ 2000 ml ha-1 , 1000 ml ha-1 ,500 ml ha-1 were done along with standard check Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @100 ml ha-1 . The untreated check was sprayed with water alone. At 7DAT of weekly spraying, maximum population reduction of BPH over control was observed in Met 52 EC @ 2000 ml ha-1 (91 &98%).This was followed by Met 52 EC @ 1000 ml ha-1 (88 &94%) and Met 52 EC @ 500 ml ha1 (84 &92%) and it was on par with standard check, Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 100 ml ha-1 (79 &97%) during Kuruvai and Samba 2014. At 7DAT of fortnightly spraying of Met 52EC, maximum population reduction of BPH over control was observed in Met 52 EC @ 2000 ml ha-1 (97 &93%).This was followed by Met 52 EC @ 1000 ml ha-1 (96 &90%) and Met 52 EC @ 500 ml ha1 (94 &87%). It is on par with standard check, Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 100 ml ha-1 (97&96%). From this study, it is inferred that the Met 52EC (Metarhizium anisopliae) was effective against BPH without causing any phytotoxic symptom