Examining The Satisfaction Of Students Regarding Quality Assurance In Higher Education

Research Article
Indu Bala and Franky Rani
Higher Education, Quality Assurance, Student Satisfaction

Students are the chief consumers of all higher education institutions. Higher education institutions are realising that higher education could be regarded as a business-like service industry and they are beginning to focus more on meeting or even exceeding the needs of their students. This study aims to investigate how students perceive the services they are offered at a higher education institution and how satisfied they are with them. For this purpose, an evaluation study using a questionnaire to measure nine dimensions of student satisfaction at an institutional level will be presented that covers most aspects of student life. The results of this research indicated that students are satisfied regarding quality assurance in higher education but they do not satisfy at extreme with the services provided to them. Also the findings revealed that majority of the students are dissatisfied with the research or project work going in the institutions and also with the examination or evaluation procedures. They emphasised more extension activities should be organised by the institution.