Pediatric emergency is the condition in which a child suffer from various psychological, physical and emotional disturbances due to any emergency condition like poisoning, lack of supervision of parents in home, accidents etc. and it can occur anytime and anywhere. Young children aged 1–4 are at great risk of injury as they explore their environment. The major development task for toddlers is beginning the development of autonomy and self-control so toddlers typically become more independent as the months pass. Toddlers are extremely attached and dependent on the parents. Objectives: -To assess the experiences of parents of toddlers about pediatric emergency services. Methods: This was a Qualitative Phenomenological study about experiences of 10 parents of children’s under gone in pediatric emergency in selected rural areas of Pune city. Semi-structured interview questionnaire was used for assessment of experiences. All parents were asked about open ended questions and voice cum video recording done for each sample. Results: -The collected data for final study was transcribed and translated into English language. Translated data read carefully again and again by the researcher and codes taken out, from these codes total 8 themes prepared. Then similarities and dissimilarities of codes checked under each theme so total 33 codes emerged. The themes were, ‘Emergency and Child condition’, ‘Mental state of parents’, ‘Stat action’, ‘Utilized health centers’, ‘Transport’, ‘Treatment’, ‘Economic condition’, Emergency services and views’. Conclusion: Most of samples utilized rural health services and services from private hospitals. Most of samples were checked and referred from government and private hospitals and few of them were treated at private hospitals. In emergency services and view some samples experienced no emergency services at government hospitals and one of them don’t know about emergency services at government hospitals but some of them said services is good but they refer out if not handled.