The MI oil was tested by modifying the cylinder, piston head and valves coated with zirconium by plasma spray for low heat rejection (LHR). The neat oil was tested in the LHR engine and the performance and emission was studied at partial and full load conditions. At 75% load there found 25% better increment in brake thermal efficiency. Specific energy consumption decreased with increase in load. The variation of Carbon monoxide emission with respect to brake power was same for diesel and MI raw from no load to full load. . The reduction in HC was 40% at 75% of full load. The increase in NOx is due the high peak flame temperature during combustion. The increased power output means the reduced smoke which is due to LHR condition. Further the fuel was tested by varying the injection pressure from 200 bar to 400 bar insteps of 50 bar. The engine was running smooth and it developed pump and injector noise at 350 bar and 400 bar. Better the combustion lesser will be the fuel supply and efficiency increases. The BSEC decreased with increases in injection pressure. The change in injection pressure would change the injection pattern and better would be the combustion result in less/ reduced CO emission. The HC emission increases with increase in load at the same time HC level was showing a reduction as the injection pressure is increasing. The emission of NOx increases with increase in load, and also NOx increased with increase the injection pressure of the oil