Faculty Competencies Of Education Program Mentors Of The Catanduanes State University

Research Article
Joseph G. Zafe
Competencies, Teacher Education Programs, National CompetencyBased Teacher Standards

This study assessed the competencies of faculty members handling professional education courses in the Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) and Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) programs of the College of Education. The former program has 54 units and the latter has 51 units of professional education courses as specified in CMO No. 30, series 2004. The research instrument used the indicators in the five out of the seven domains of the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) framework namely: social regard for learning; learning environment; diversity of learners (8); d) curriculum; and planning, assessing and reporting. The instrument, which included a total of 64 items, was distributed personally by the researcher.Nineteen faculty members handling professional courses were rated by 211 graduates of the two programs during the school year 2013- 2014. A 4-point Likert scale was used to rate the indicators in each of the five domains. Weighted mean was used and the results showed that generally, the faculty members have “high” level of competence. Specifically, the highest mean rating was in social regard for learning followed by curriculum; learning environment; diversity of learners while the lowest, was along planning, assessing and reporting. It is therefore recommended that the faculty members should continue enhancing their teaching skills, practices, and processes in order to sustain students’ interest and consequently improve their performance not only in professional education courses but in licensure examination as well.