The combination of teacher and peer’s feedback are needed by the students in learning writing, especially in a large class which is in line with Khalid’s study (2011). While, the new finding is that the students want a feedback from their teacher because they want to have a good grade. This study aims to delineate how the male and female students’ perception towards the effective feedback practices. The methodological rationale and procedures of quantitative research approach as the research design. The data were obtained through the closed-ended questionnaire with 150 participants, their opinions about the feedback on writing in large class. In term of findings, there are three kinds of perceptions about the effective feedback practices based on gender such as oral and written feedback, direct and indirect feedback, feedback on the first and final draft as well. The result showed that male and female students chose feedback from their lecturers more than from their peer. In addition, the gender (both male and female) did not influence their rating to the different kinds of feedback.