In the present study, evaluation of Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) as well as their Prey species (Chital & Sambar) habitat was carried out in AABR by using remote sensing, ground and other ancillary data, and these data sources was integrated with GIS using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) model. For the modeling, several variables in the dataset viz., forest cover type, forest cover density, slope, aspect, altitude, road, water body, settlement and drainage were used as independent variables in the analysis. All these data sets were considered as input data for developing the model. Expert views and field experience were considered while allotting values to variables for MCA analysis to generate final weight. The results indicated that Sal, mixed Sal, miscellaneous forest, plantation, grassland, agriculture and scrub land are the major land use/land cover types and majority of the study area is covered under dense forest. The habitat parameters have tremendous impact over the habitat utilization and suitability pattern of Tiger, Chital & Sambar in AABR. From this study most suitable habitat for Tiger in AABR is 1290 km² which is 34 % of the total geographical area of the biosphere while 1077 sq. km. area comes under moderately suitable for tiger which is 28 % of the total geographical area of the biosphere. The results pointed out that 62 % of AABR has been found to be high to moderately suitable for Tiger habitat, 77% for Chital habitat and 67 % area for Sambar habitat. The results have been found to be an important input as baseline information for population modeling and natural resource management in the biosphere reserves.