geospatial analysis of rural energy: a case study of keralapuram village, andaman nicobar

Research Article
V Madhava Rao, Abha Chhabra, N Bhaskara Rao*, R R Hermon, R Lavanya Sudha, MD Shaik Hussain
Remote Sensing, GIS, PRA, Rural ecosystem, Field data, Energy flows.

This study presents an estimation of net energy balance resulting from primary production vis-à-vis energy consumption through various components in a semi-arid rural ecosystem of Keralapuram village of Andaman Nicobar, India. An end use energy accounting for input-output analysis of various anthropogenic energy flows with in the village .Rural areas in India offer significant environmental contributions through primary energy production by vegetation in the form of crop biomass which include agricultural lands, along canals, roads, homestead plantations etc. Livestock keeping has also been a major resource and an integral part of rural livelihoods in India as animal energy is a renewable and sustainable source of energy. Livestock convert energy stored in biomass unsuitable for human consumption to useful products in form of milk, meat, eggs etc. Besides, human power, animal power and wood have been the three most widely used sources of energy in rural environment.