In the present investigation, the drinking water quality index of ground water was carried out for 29 ground water samples in different villages of Erandol region, Jalgaon district of the Maharashtra state. Total 29 integrated water samples were collected from different locations and analyzed for water quality parameters viz. pH, Hardness, Dissolved Oxygen, Electric Conductivity, Chlorides, Total Dissolved Solids, Sulphate, Sodium, Calcium, Alkalinity, Nitrates and Fluoride. The geospatial tools like high resolution multispectral remote sensing data (RESOURCESAT-2, LISS IV), GIS software (Arc GIS 10.2) and GPS are used to generate database, sample collections and for mapping spatial variations of different water quality parameters. Ground Water Quality Index mapped by geospatial tools reveals that, the overall each 48 percent of ground water is in excellent and good condition. Whereas, 4% of ground water sources exhibits poor water quality and not suitable for drinking purpose. Out of total samples, fluorides were found beyond the limit in 10% of ground water samples as per BIS standards