Epilepsy is a common medical and social disorder with unique characteristics. It is usually defined as a tendency to recurrent seizures and can have tremendous psycho social issues for patients. Epilepsy can have diverse and complex effect on the wellbeing of its sufferers. The aim of the study was to identify variables related to stress, Gratification and expectancies in person with epilepsy. The mean age of participants was 31.65 years in which mostly had seizures. The sample comprised of 40 diagnosed patients of epilepsy and 40 non epileptic by using the purposive sampling. To find out the impact of demographic and clinical variable on Gratification, Perceived stress and expectancies of epileptic patients, t test, ANOVA, and step wise regression analysis were applied. The results indicate that the epileptic patients scored lower on all domains of QOL or gratification (Physical, Psychological, Social and Environmental), optimism scale and Higher on perceived stress as compared to non epileptic. After ensuring the homogeneity of variance a 2X2 ANOVA was carried out to ascertain the main and interaction effect of the two factors (Sex and Nature of disease) under investigation. The results of ANOVA clearly revealed that the main effect and interaction effect of sex and nature of disease have been found statistically significant on gratification. In order to determine the significance of nature of disease, marital status and sex in predicting their quality of life step-wise multiple regression analysis was done. It is clear that nature of disease factor emerged as the best predictor of gratification in contributing 26 percent in the total variance followed by marital status and sex that contributed 14 percent and 10 percent of total variance. Examination of β revealed that the said predictors contributed negatively (β =-0.33 & -0.33 respectively) to quality of life.