The hepatitis C develops into cirrhosis of the liver and Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) both of fatal diseases. In This review highlights are genotypes and treatment regimens. Searched for articles on pub med. The bibliographies of the articles found were used to find other references. The data was summarized and presented in figures. The highest WHO estimated that regional HCV prevalence (5.3%). Egypt has the highest prevalence (17.5%) of HCV in the world. in Africa commonly genotypes found in 1, 4 and 5. Genotype 3 is found in parts of central Africa and Egypt. The major transmission of HCV infection is blood transfusion. The treatment recommended for the chronic HCV patients are peg interferon and Ribavarin. In many countries still hepatitis C is a neglected disease Efforts to more effective antiviral therapies develop and for the near future the largest challenges for establishment of an effective HCV vaccine.