hybrid machines pet/ct scanners by using 18f, 82sr and 68ge radionuclide

Research Article
Akhlass Jawad Amera
Hybrid; PET/CT; 18F; 82Sr and68Ge Radionuclide..

The increased use of hybrid PET /CT scanners combining detailed anatomical information along with functional data has benefits for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. This presented study is to make comparison of cross sections to produce 18F , 82Sr and68Ge via different reactions with particle incident energy up to 60 MeV as a part of systematic studies on particle-induced activations on enriched natNe, natRb, natGa 18O,85Rb, and 69Ga targets, theoretical calculation of production yield, calculation of required target and suggestion of optimum reaction to produce: Fluorine-18 , Strontium-82 andGermanium-68 to use in Hybrid Machines PET/CT Scanners.