Identification And Evaluation Of Suspectible Risk Factors For Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Research Article
Venkateswarlu K, Gabriela Keerthana G, Anusha B and Sowmya V
Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis, Suspectable Criteria, HIV TB, and Ratio.

There are suspectable risk factors/criteria which our study aimed to identify and evaluate for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) in order to overcome the barriers in effective Tuberculosis control and treatment. The study population was divided TB center wise, Gender wise and Age wise. In our study, according to the seven criteria for MDR TB, which are Failure, Re-treatment case Sputum positive (S+) at 4th month, Contact of known MDR TB, S+ at diagnosis, re-treatment, Any follow up S+, Sputum negative (S-) at diagnosis, re-treatment and HIV TB cases, the ratio of MDR TB cases to Non- MDR TB cases were found to be 1:3, 1:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6 and 1:6 respectively. Based on this criteria; Re-treatment case S+ at 4th month and Contact of known MDR TB showed higher risk for MDR-TB. The risk was found to be equally strong in all age groups and both genders.