Idiopathic Sialactesia Leading To Mucous Retention Cyst-A Case Report

Research Article
Sonalee Shah
Mucous Retention cyst, Duct ectasia , Mucocele

‘Mucocele’ literally means a cystic cavity filled with mucin. It is the most common non-neoplastic salivary gland pathology particularly in the minor salivary glands. There are of two main types of mucocele; retention type and extravasation type. occurs owing to a glandular duct obstruction and resultant accumulation of mucus in duct cavity. The lesion can fluctuate in size, depending on its fluid-filled state. Thus, mucoceles typically present as single, recurrent, painless, well-circumscribed and often bluish nodules. A 38-year-old male patient reported to the Dental out Patient Department of Government Dental College& Hospital, Raipur with the chief complaint of a swelling in his left posterior cheek region since 10 years. On palpation, the lesion was compressible& fluctuant with watery discharge into oral cavity on compression. USG was suggestive of Stenson’s duct Ectasia(Sacular dilatation). Gross specimen was an intact saclike mass of 2x3x4 cm which when cut released watery fluid. HP examination specimen revealed a cystic cavity lined by ductal stratified squamous 3-4 cell thick epithelium and supported by fibrovascular connective tissue capsule. A final diagnosis was formulated as Mucous Retention cyst of the Buccal space with idiopathic Stenson’s duct sialectasia was given.