Impact Of Neurotransmitters On Health Through Emotions

Research Article
Annapurna Uppala, Masthanamma SK, V.Naga Swapna, Sai Lakshmi G and Sankara Pitchaiah P

Neurons in order to communicate with each other rely on highly specialized chemicals called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that coordinate the transmission of signals from one nerve cell (neuron) to the next. Neurotransmission has a great influence over human emotions, behavior, and moods. Neurotransmitters interact with target sites called receptors located throughout the brain and body to regulate a wide variety of processes including emotions, fear, pleasure, joy, anger, mood, memory, cognition, attention, concentration, alertness, energy, appetite, cravings, sleep, and the perception of pain. Disrupted communication between the brain and the body can have serious effects to one’s health both physically and mentally. Various aspects of personality can be altered mainly by the three major neurotransmitters - dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline. Imbalances in dopamine have been found to play a role in schizophrenia. Low levels of serotonin often results in depressed mood and poor sleep patterns among many other symptoms. Norepinephrine alerts the brain of the presence of novel and potentially threatening events in the external environment i.e., alertness and arousal. Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are thought to be directly related to imbalances with neurotransmitters. Hence, the present article aims to review the role of neurotransmitters on health through human emotions.